Sunday, June 03, 2007

May Flowers bring... June Showers?

Yep. It's raining today. Rain is pretty depressing and it's supposed to rain ALL day. But, this might be a good thing because I have a lot of school work to do today, so it might be helpful in keeping me inside the house.

But still, I thought we took care of the rainy whether in April.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cake in my locker

There are some things that aren't meant to be told... for everything else, there are blogs.

I am taking gym in school. Every other day my girls and I change, throw our clothes in a locker, and head to the gym for class. I normally leave my locker open, there is nothing in it except a pair of pants and a shirt, so what is the point. (Though, I have seen an event where someone stole someone else's clothes... hmm.)

Anyways, so I come back from class one time, I go to get my clothes and there is a piece of cake just sitting on top of my clothes, on a decorated small paper plate... On top of the cake I noticed a napkin. It read in someones handwriting: "I love you."

How bizarre. I was pretty sure it was one of my friends just teasing me. (Mind you, it's a girls locker room so it isn't from a secret admirer! (hopefully..)) But, just the fact that someone would rip out a piece of cake from their backpack and lay it in my locker? Nothing this weird happens normally in my life. Haha.

Just take a moment and sink that in. A piece of cake... in my locker.

Song in your head?

Don't you hate it when there is a song in your head that you can't get out?

But what's stranger is, you woke up and it was there... and it was the most random song you would think would never get caught in your head? And you have no idea how it got there?

It sucks don't it?

Well, something strange happened on Sunday. I woke up, felt good, and before I knew it I was singing Just My Imagination. An oldie. And honest to god no idea where it came from.
I sung it all day, over and over again- I could not get rid of it.

I was on my way home in the car with my dad, brother, and sister. I was sick of hearing commercials so I told my dad to change the damn station. He hits one of the numbers...oh great the oldie station... and sure enough Just My Imagination was playing. I flipped out! I sung my heart out with the music and later that night it was gone out of my head.

Crazy... or coincidence?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Strange Occurrences

These are things that happen to everyone at some point in their life. Maybe it's a weird coincidence, or just something completely random. I have had quite a few of these lately that I am going to start sharing so I wanted to tell you now about my new category... *drum roll*... Strange Occurrences! I'll be writing about one I had today tomorrow.

Also, feel free to share your strange occurrences too! Leave a comment with the story or an e-mail so I can contact you. And you can feature it in a post! Did I mention I will link to one of your websites too?

So... let me know!

Friday, May 25, 2007


This week was painful. I had two long exams to take for two of my hardest classes. Though, I was surprised that the tests were actually easy, they were just painful to do. There were 8 essay questions on one, and 11 on the other. They were really stupid and really easy.
The really sucky thing about this more than anything is the fact that I have to take finals in both of those classes at the end of the year too, which is in about three weeks. The tests we just took are required to pass to graduate and cover the entire years worth of knowledge. Same thing goes for the finals.
Do you see the pointlessness in this week now? A waste of time. Is there anyone else that is reading that hates exams too? If so, leave a comment and rant on!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And the winner is...

Jordin Sparks wins American Idol. Thank god! I love her and am glad she won!

The two hour season finale was really too long. It was all music performances until the last two minutes and they ran out of time but cut into 10 minutes of whatever show is next, which is usually the news or something. But, I just thought it was too long.

Oh well. Jordin won and I'm happy.

American Idol... Who will win?

The season finale is tonight. And we are done to two great performers and singers.

Will it be... Seattle's beatboxer Blake Lewis? Or the young and elegant Jordin Sparks?

My vote is for Jordin Sparks. She can actually SING. Though props to Blake because he is an excellent performer and I love his beatboxing. I will make a new post as soon as the winner is announced... tonight! I can't wait!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Season Finales

It can't be avoided and everyone knows it's coming... summer. That means that all of the current shows are coming to their closing finales and closing the books. Most will return in the fall.

Last night, "Thank God You're Here" ended with a great show. If you've never seen it, you missed out! It is a improvisational type show, and very funny.

Also, American Idol is coming to its season finale next week. The fabulous Melinda Doolittle was voted off last night. Next week, the battle is between Jordin Sparks and Blake Lewis. It will be a close one. Both of them are good and very diverse singers.

Tonight many hit TV shows will end for the season. Ugly Betty at 8, and Grey's Anatomy on ABC at 9 o clock.

Note that, these are my favorite TV shows and didn't go and look up ALL tv shows that are ending tonight.

The problem with all of these shows ending is that there is never good on during the summer. But, there might be one TV show. Last Comic Standing, a television show seeking the best comedian out there, returns with a new host,a dn new comedy. Can't wait for that show!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Websites Coming Soon

If you didn't know this about me, I am an internet business entrepreneur. I currently have a blog about making money online, which is new but already looking good. You can check it out in the sidebar.

A little about my history is, I have tried this before and failed, last year. But 2007 brings new hope. A forum relating to web development and various aspects of the internet business world has taught me a lot and encouraged me to start up again.

My main goal for 2007 is to set up my personal website. I used to work on it and work on it but never really finished it. But, that's not my point here...

I am working on two new websites, with domains that have been registered for awhile but never used, and they will be released VERY soon! They were simple to make, but hopefully they will turn out to be a success!

I will release more information relating to these websites soon. One on one day, and the other soon afterwards. One website is a Xbox blog, and the other website is a video site. I'm excited!

Thank you for reading, and please remember to comment!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Genie in a Bottle

This song is old. But, if you are a Christina Aguilera fan then you will probably find yourself going back to her old songs and hearing them again. This song is just so great- it's just a natural classic.

Aren't there some songs out there you find that you can still go back to and remember that you completely love it?

Mariah Carey has the same similar thing too. And Kelly Clarkson, though I don't think any of her songs are really that old. Is it a female thing? Haha.