Friday, April 20, 2007


Our Planet- Do you give a dime?

That's the slogan for

In celebration of Earth Day, I would like to point out a special website. Each day until actual Earth Day, I will feature a website or tip urging people to get involved, and live a green life.

It's called GreenDimes. For 10 cents a day, GreenDimes reduces the amount of junk mail that you get. The money is for a good cause too. Well, technically their service is. Each month, they plant a new tree for every member they have. Also, by reducing your junk mail, you are reducing the amount of junk mail that needs to be produced, which reduces the number of trees needed for waste.

"Unbelievably, we chop down 100,000,000 trees and waste 28 billion gallons of water EVERY YEAR producing this stuff. Most of this goes straight to the trash or recycling bin.
For a dime-a-day, GreenDimes will reduce the marketing at your home, help you maintain your privacy and plant a bunch of trees on your behalf."

As said on their More Info page. I saw this on the Oprah Show today and decided to check it out. Do something useful, and get something back in return! Visit for more information.

It's time to live green,

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