Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cake in my locker

There are some things that aren't meant to be told... for everything else, there are blogs.

I am taking gym in school. Every other day my girls and I change, throw our clothes in a locker, and head to the gym for class. I normally leave my locker open, there is nothing in it except a pair of pants and a shirt, so what is the point. (Though, I have seen an event where someone stole someone else's clothes... hmm.)

Anyways, so I come back from class one time, I go to get my clothes and there is a piece of cake just sitting on top of my clothes, on a decorated small paper plate... On top of the cake I noticed a napkin. It read in someones handwriting: "I love you."

How bizarre. I was pretty sure it was one of my friends just teasing me. (Mind you, it's a girls locker room so it isn't from a secret admirer! (hopefully..)) But, just the fact that someone would rip out a piece of cake from their backpack and lay it in my locker? Nothing this weird happens normally in my life. Haha.

Just take a moment and sink that in. A piece of cake... in my locker.

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