Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer brings...

I love summer. Although, my favorite season is spring, summer deserves second place. The nice weather, the pool, no school, and the boys at the beach.

But, their is a major flaw in summer. It doesn't interfere with my love for summer, but without this I could enjoy summer much better.

So what do I hate so much that I could just... kill?

Those creepy crawlers that I really could care less about- spiders.
They have started to come out of their caves (or webs, or wherever they hide) and I have seen many, especially with the nice weather that has come lately.

Why do I hate them? How can you not? They are ugly, and scary. They are everywhere, and they just don't know where to stop. I don't really know why or how they can be such hideous creatures, but I have a strong dislike for them. And I freak out when I see them.

Call me your average girl, but sorry I just hate these things. The only good they do is they get rid of mosquitoes. That's it! Otherwise I wish they were dead. Unfortunately, if they were gone it would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem, etc etc.

The reason I am ranting on spiders a lot is because I have came across quite a few today. There is actually one that is HUGE and furry, and it's in my garage. My dad saw it and came back to kill it but he couldn't find it. You know what that means? It's still somewhere in there!

Anyways, spiders, and mosquitoes could die together and we could all live happily ever after... I wish.

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