Sunday, June 03, 2007

May Flowers bring... June Showers?

Yep. It's raining today. Rain is pretty depressing and it's supposed to rain ALL day. But, this might be a good thing because I have a lot of school work to do today, so it might be helpful in keeping me inside the house.

But still, I thought we took care of the rainy whether in April.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cake in my locker

There are some things that aren't meant to be told... for everything else, there are blogs.

I am taking gym in school. Every other day my girls and I change, throw our clothes in a locker, and head to the gym for class. I normally leave my locker open, there is nothing in it except a pair of pants and a shirt, so what is the point. (Though, I have seen an event where someone stole someone else's clothes... hmm.)

Anyways, so I come back from class one time, I go to get my clothes and there is a piece of cake just sitting on top of my clothes, on a decorated small paper plate... On top of the cake I noticed a napkin. It read in someones handwriting: "I love you."

How bizarre. I was pretty sure it was one of my friends just teasing me. (Mind you, it's a girls locker room so it isn't from a secret admirer! (hopefully..)) But, just the fact that someone would rip out a piece of cake from their backpack and lay it in my locker? Nothing this weird happens normally in my life. Haha.

Just take a moment and sink that in. A piece of cake... in my locker.

Song in your head?

Don't you hate it when there is a song in your head that you can't get out?

But what's stranger is, you woke up and it was there... and it was the most random song you would think would never get caught in your head? And you have no idea how it got there?

It sucks don't it?

Well, something strange happened on Sunday. I woke up, felt good, and before I knew it I was singing Just My Imagination. An oldie. And honest to god no idea where it came from.
I sung it all day, over and over again- I could not get rid of it.

I was on my way home in the car with my dad, brother, and sister. I was sick of hearing commercials so I told my dad to change the damn station. He hits one of the numbers...oh great the oldie station... and sure enough Just My Imagination was playing. I flipped out! I sung my heart out with the music and later that night it was gone out of my head.

Crazy... or coincidence?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Strange Occurrences

These are things that happen to everyone at some point in their life. Maybe it's a weird coincidence, or just something completely random. I have had quite a few of these lately that I am going to start sharing so I wanted to tell you now about my new category... *drum roll*... Strange Occurrences! I'll be writing about one I had today tomorrow.

Also, feel free to share your strange occurrences too! Leave a comment with the story or an e-mail so I can contact you. And you can feature it in a post! Did I mention I will link to one of your websites too?

So... let me know!

Friday, May 25, 2007


This week was painful. I had two long exams to take for two of my hardest classes. Though, I was surprised that the tests were actually easy, they were just painful to do. There were 8 essay questions on one, and 11 on the other. They were really stupid and really easy.
The really sucky thing about this more than anything is the fact that I have to take finals in both of those classes at the end of the year too, which is in about three weeks. The tests we just took are required to pass to graduate and cover the entire years worth of knowledge. Same thing goes for the finals.
Do you see the pointlessness in this week now? A waste of time. Is there anyone else that is reading that hates exams too? If so, leave a comment and rant on!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And the winner is...

Jordin Sparks wins American Idol. Thank god! I love her and am glad she won!

The two hour season finale was really too long. It was all music performances until the last two minutes and they ran out of time but cut into 10 minutes of whatever show is next, which is usually the news or something. But, I just thought it was too long.

Oh well. Jordin won and I'm happy.

American Idol... Who will win?

The season finale is tonight. And we are done to two great performers and singers.

Will it be... Seattle's beatboxer Blake Lewis? Or the young and elegant Jordin Sparks?

My vote is for Jordin Sparks. She can actually SING. Though props to Blake because he is an excellent performer and I love his beatboxing. I will make a new post as soon as the winner is announced... tonight! I can't wait!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Season Finales

It can't be avoided and everyone knows it's coming... summer. That means that all of the current shows are coming to their closing finales and closing the books. Most will return in the fall.

Last night, "Thank God You're Here" ended with a great show. If you've never seen it, you missed out! It is a improvisational type show, and very funny.

Also, American Idol is coming to its season finale next week. The fabulous Melinda Doolittle was voted off last night. Next week, the battle is between Jordin Sparks and Blake Lewis. It will be a close one. Both of them are good and very diverse singers.

Tonight many hit TV shows will end for the season. Ugly Betty at 8, and Grey's Anatomy on ABC at 9 o clock.

Note that, these are my favorite TV shows and didn't go and look up ALL tv shows that are ending tonight.

The problem with all of these shows ending is that there is never good on during the summer. But, there might be one TV show. Last Comic Standing, a television show seeking the best comedian out there, returns with a new host,a dn new comedy. Can't wait for that show!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Websites Coming Soon

If you didn't know this about me, I am an internet business entrepreneur. I currently have a blog about making money online, which is new but already looking good. You can check it out in the sidebar.

A little about my history is, I have tried this before and failed, last year. But 2007 brings new hope. A forum relating to web development and various aspects of the internet business world has taught me a lot and encouraged me to start up again.

My main goal for 2007 is to set up my personal website. I used to work on it and work on it but never really finished it. But, that's not my point here...

I am working on two new websites, with domains that have been registered for awhile but never used, and they will be released VERY soon! They were simple to make, but hopefully they will turn out to be a success!

I will release more information relating to these websites soon. One on one day, and the other soon afterwards. One website is a Xbox blog, and the other website is a video site. I'm excited!

Thank you for reading, and please remember to comment!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Genie in a Bottle

This song is old. But, if you are a Christina Aguilera fan then you will probably find yourself going back to her old songs and hearing them again. This song is just so great- it's just a natural classic.

Aren't there some songs out there you find that you can still go back to and remember that you completely love it?

Mariah Carey has the same similar thing too. And Kelly Clarkson, though I don't think any of her songs are really that old. Is it a female thing? Haha.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Passing the Boards

If you are a doctor, or have ever watched a doctor-type TV show, than you probably are well aware of board exams and how doctors take them every year until they pass them.

My mother is an anesthesiologist, the person that puts you to sleep before an operation, and she was just notified on Friday that she has passed her boards this year. When she became a doctor, passing the boards wasn't as big of a deal, and so she actually didn't take them for a while.

But, she has taken them every year for a while now. And she is so shocked she passed. I just wanted to let you know how much of a big deal it is for her. I guess, I am dedicating this post for Mother's day.

Boards are a lot harder for anesthesiologists. Their specialty involves knowing all types of surgery. With surgeons, you have people who specialize in hearts, people who specialize in nerves and brains, and well- you get the point. Anesthesiologists have to know ALL of it. I'm not going to really explain the entire role and requirements for an anesthesiologist, but hopefully you get the point.

Happy Mothers Day,

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer brings...

I love summer. Although, my favorite season is spring, summer deserves second place. The nice weather, the pool, no school, and the boys at the beach.

But, their is a major flaw in summer. It doesn't interfere with my love for summer, but without this I could enjoy summer much better.

So what do I hate so much that I could just... kill?

Those creepy crawlers that I really could care less about- spiders.
They have started to come out of their caves (or webs, or wherever they hide) and I have seen many, especially with the nice weather that has come lately.

Why do I hate them? How can you not? They are ugly, and scary. They are everywhere, and they just don't know where to stop. I don't really know why or how they can be such hideous creatures, but I have a strong dislike for them. And I freak out when I see them.

Call me your average girl, but sorry I just hate these things. The only good they do is they get rid of mosquitoes. That's it! Otherwise I wish they were dead. Unfortunately, if they were gone it would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem, etc etc.

The reason I am ranting on spiders a lot is because I have came across quite a few today. There is actually one that is HUGE and furry, and it's in my garage. My dad saw it and came back to kill it but he couldn't find it. You know what that means? It's still somewhere in there!

Anyways, spiders, and mosquitoes could die together and we could all live happily ever after... I wish.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Roll N Grow

"You hoe and you rake. You shovel and you ache. And for what? Flowers that might not bloom? Forget all that work!"

I saw this commercial on GSN the other day and laughed my ass off! It's a commercial for a product called "Roll N Grow". It really is surprising how lazy and careless we are these days.

Roll N Grow is basically a carpet looking thing, and you roll it on the ground where ever you want, water it, and tons of flowers will grow.

What I found interesting was they made it seem like gardening is a thing of the past, and that it is a really laborious work. "And for what? Flowers that might not bloom?"

How lazy is it to have a nice fake garden? I mean, it's pathetic. The whole point of having flowers is to not only make your lawn look nice but to show your beautiful work. Call it cheesy, but it's the damn truth. It would be like growing potatoes and corn by just laying out a carpet on a patch of dirt. And boom! Instant veggies!

"You can spend HOURS and HOURS digging and hoeing and planting tiny seeds ONE by ONE."

Ohh! The pain! The suffering that humans must do every day of our lives! How inhumane it is to have to plant seeds ONE by ONE and spend whole entire HOURS planting? It is just unbelievable right?

Is this not one of the laziest commercials you have seen? It's ridiculous.
I couldn't fine the video on youtube but it is on the homepage of their website:

You know, some things are just meant to be done by hand.

Monday, May 07, 2007

No gas on May 15th?

This has been going around for awhile so I thought I would take a swing at it myself and tell you what I think.
If you are wondering what this is about, and are completely oblivious to the internet world around you, then here:
People are trying to form and boycott the purchasing of gas for one day, on May 15th.

Will it work?

My answer: Most likely, no.

Why? It's simple. I'll list it on in brief terms for you.

1) Not enough people would actually do it to make a difference.

2) Twice as much gas will just be bought either the day before, or the day after.

3) Half the people that say they will do it, actually won't.

4) 24 hours is not enough time to change and impact gas prices.

5) In relation to number 2, I just read this article and it makes a good point. People would actually have to avoid using their cars that day to make an impact.

So unless everyone plans on taking a day off, it will never work.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Link Exchanges?

So, I have been posting for a few weeks now, and probably have had some visitors stop by. Of course, the comments don't really show it, but I know there must be SOMEONE listening to me! If you read and find something interesting, comment on it! If you have a blog, I'll leave you a comment back! Let me know that you are out there!

In an attempt to increase traffic and rankings, I am now looking for blogs to exchange links with me! The topic should be similar to mine: general, personal, current events, and interesting is a plus. PageRank does not matter to me, and your link will remain up on my blog for as long as you'd like, and as long as you keep my link on your blog as well.

If you're interested, please comment on this post with details! Thanks!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Simon Cowell gave an IDOL a KISS??

Yep, it's true. Last night on American Idol was a surprising event. After Lakisha Jones nailed Bon Jovi's "This Ain't a Love Song", Simon commented, "I could kiss you after that." And Ryan Seacrest takes Lakisha down to the judges table, and Simon gives her a big smooch on the lips! I could not believe it! I was laughing like crazy. He had shiny lip gloss on his mouth afterwards, and he said she had nice lips.

On another note, Idol Gives Back charity event raised over $70 million dollars! That should be plenty to make a big impact. Hopefully, they will do it again next year.

Two American Idols get voted off tonight, and Bon Jovi performs live.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

E-Mail Scams

So, awhile ago I received an e-mail from an "accountant in Nigeria". This was well over a year ago. But, I come across the same e-mail from a poster on DigitalPoint Forums in a thread. At first I was interested in what the thread was about because it was titled "Yes No More Adsense For Me!" and was curious to see their alternative, but then he said he received this e-mail and laughed.

Lagos, Nigeria.
Attention: The President/CEO

Dear Sir,

Confidential Business Proposal

Having consulted with my colleagues and based on the information gathered from the Nigerian Chambers Of Commerce And Industry, I have the privilege to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $47,500,000.00 (forty seven million, five hundred thousand United States dollars) into your accounts. The above sum resulted from an over-invoiced contract, executed, commissioned and paid for about five years (5) ago by a foreign contractor. This action was however intentional and since then the fund has been in a suspense account at The Central Bank Of Nigeria Apex Bank.

We are now ready to transfer the fund overseas and that is where you come in. It is important to inform you that as civil servants, we are forbidden to operate a foreign account; that is why we require your assistance. The total sum will be shared as follows: 70% for us, 25% for you and 5% for local and international expenses incidental to the transfer.

The transfer is risk free on both sides. I am an accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). If you find this proposal acceptable, we shall require the following documents:

(a) your banker's name, telephone, account and fax numbers.

(b) your private telephone and fax numbers — for confidentiality and easy communication.

(c) your letter-headed paper stamped and signed.

Alternatively we will furnish you with the text of what to type into your letter-headed paper, along with a breakdown explaining, comprehensively what we require of you. The business will take us thirty (30) working days to accomplish.

Please reply urgently.

Best regards

Howgul Abul Arhu

Convincing right? First of all, if they had 47 million dollars to transfer why would they contact an individual?
This scam is one of the oldest e-mail scams in the book. It once was a huge "scare" and was on the news once, over a year ago but I was surprised to still see it around today. Anyone interested? ;)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Christina Concert

was amazing! It was so much fun! As mentioned before Danity Kane opened the show, followed by The Pussycat Dolls. My, are they so similar. They are both a group of young women who wear almost nothing and dance slutty. Yay... We had to wait about half an hour before Christina came on. She did almost all of her new songs, which only half of them I recognized, and then she did a few old songs that I knew every word to. I've been a fan since "Genie in a Bottle", which I wish she sung! She makes singing look really easy. She can just belt it out. I took some pictures and videos that I might add here later on in the week if you care, I wanted to add them today but I just didn't have the time.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Christina Aguilera

So, today I am going to go visit my girl Christina Aguilera in concert. I can't wait. Also with her is The Pussycat Dolls, and Danity Kane. It's going to be fun. It's downtown Baltimore I believe, and even though it starts at 7:30 we are going to leave around 4:30 which allows us to get there and go out to dinner. I'll try and take some pictures and share them, I think we have decent seats. There is a lot of us going. There's my family of 5, and my friend and her mom and my other neighbor. That's 8 of us.
I haven't heard much of any of her latest music at all, which is different from other concerts I've been too where I knew every song by heart. Oh well. It still should be fun. I'm not going with a Christina addicted fan that is way too obsessed, so I won't feel as awkward not being able to recognize have the songs, if you know what that's like.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Every 3 seconds, someone dies of AIDS. How could you have not seen one of the many advertisements for

ONE is an organization, a community, trying to fight the war of extreme poverty and AIDs around the world. It's to get people to raise their voice, and help out. Some activities include petitions, and calling senators to influence them on passing certain bills to help end poverty, especially in third world countries like Africa.

I decided to share this site, in case you haven't heard of it already, because of the recent Idol Gives Back television event. Not only can you donate money, but you can give your voice. They urge you to join and speak out for these global issues. You don't even have to register, you can submit your e-mail to sign up for their newsletter to keep you informed.

Right now, because of the Idol Gives Back event, their goal is to get 100,000 new voices by the end of this week, by Wednesday. Visit for more information.

Here is one of their commercials, it's straight and to the point.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Idol Gives Back

American Idol's Idol Gives Back was a huge success. It was last night from 8 to 10 eastern time. Guest appearances included Ellen Degeneres, who hosted the music performances part at Disney Studios, Jack Black, Earth Wind & Fire, Kelly Clarkson, and many others. Ben Stiller also made an appearance through the big screen, I guess he was somewhere else.

There was also an exclusive performance by Cher and Elvis Presley. Yes, it was the real him. They took a video recording of him doing a song and made it look like him and Cher sung next to each other. Okay, yes if you didn't watch it you probably are like... wtf? But, it wasn't that bad. It looked as real as it gets. They even did side and back shots and so it looked like he was actually there. It was actually really cool! You can download it exclusively on iTunes. Here is the video on YouTube, though it is REALLY bad quality, you get the idea. You should buy it on iTunes to see it with good quality, all proceeds go to the 'Idol Gives Back' funding thing.

Note: If you cannot view the video, it's because it was deleted. You can search YouTube for "Idol Gives Back Celine" and you will probably get some results. But, I would advise buying it on iTunes to help support the Idol Gives Back charity.

What I found to be sketchy though, was the amount of commercials there was on the show. Every 10 minutes there was a set of commercials. For being such a huge charitable event, you would expect to see more of the show I though. But, they are very clever. Put on a huge show that is going to get even non-Idol watchers, plus the returning fans that refused to watch it because of Sanjaya, and you are going to be making money too. That was there plan, and I think it worked.

But, that isn't the main point. The main point is they probably raised a couple million dollars that will help poverty in both America and Africa. Which is good. I would have donated if I had any money. My dad did though. They are going to reveal the results next week I think.

As for elimination, they surprised just about everyone. The last two standing was Jordin Sparks and Chris Richardson, and then Ryan Seacrest told Chris that he was safe. I almost threw something at the TV. But, then Ryan turned it around and said that Jordin was safe as well. I was confused, and he said no one would be eliminated tonight.

They showed a lot of clips from Africa and it was sad. I cried a little bit. It was really overwhelming and real. I wasn't expecting such terrible stories and images. But, it was the truth.

The show was great though. Hopefully they will do one next year. I enjoyed it.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Muscle Relaxants

If you have ever had a botox injection or have taken a muscle relaxant than you probably know how I am feeling right now. For those who have taken a botox injection- imagine it for your entire body. I went with my mother to a local hospital to check out my trigger point and they gave me some patches and a prescription to some type of pill that is supposed to relax your muscles- completely. Well, it works. It's starting to wear off which is why I am able to type now, but I'm laying down.
At first, I felt fine. Then, 20 minutes after taking the pill I felt so unbelievably dizzy. All of my muscles were beginning to relax. It was a bizarre feeling. My dad helped my stumble over to the couch to lay down, I was basically walking and acting like a drunkard at that point. Woooo, I felt like I was all over the place.
It was a strange feeling, but it was funny. Because I still had my mind intact but, my body wasn't. It was an adventure getting up my stairs.

Trigger Points

So, I woke up yesterday morning with a knick in my back, you know how that is. I slept really bad, because I had cats and my puppy in my bed. Well still having the pain through the afternoon, I attempted to try and get rid of it by twisting my back, and hoping that it would crack and be gone. Well, it didn't help, at all. It made it worse. My mom, who is an anesthesiologist, (a doctor that puts the people to sleep in operations) tried to massage my back and found a trigger point.
A trigger point is basically a knot in your back, a muscle spasm. You push it and it's really painful. My mom found it funny to push with two fingers really hard, just to "make sure it was a trigger point", and sure enough it hurt like hell.
You can get an injection that calms the muscles and gets rid of it, or you can just wait it out. I think if the shot gets it done then that's what I want. But, my mom is making me wait it out. It is supposed to take up to 4 weeks, but I'll give it a week and then I will beg for an injection.

In all essence: Trigger points suck.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Color Scheme Changed

I messed around with the colors of my blog to make it a bit more colorful. It's still very light and not flashy, but that's the way I like it, and it's comfortable. I probably don't have any readers, but I guess I will log of this anyways. I just wanted a bit more flavor, and the default color scheme is ugly.


Happy Earth Day! Today's website is called It is there to help inform people about today's Earth issues, such as global warming, and how everyone can help to slow it down. You can search for local activities and information by entering your zip code. Earth911 also provides tips and helpful information for living green in your house. You can start small there. There are also lots of other links throughout the website that lead to similar helpful resources to use. This is a very informative website to help you help the Earth and the environment.
Here is another tip for living green:

Change your light bulbs! Use compact fluorescent light bulbs instead (also known as CFLs). They save a lot of energy, you will notice it on your electricity bill, and they last between 8,000 to 15,000 hours, compared to ordinary light bulbs that last 750 - 1000 hours.

Yes, I saw this on Friday's Oprah show as well.

Quoted from her site,

GE Energy Smart bulbs use 70 to 75 percent less energy than incandescent light bulbs and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. For example, by using a 26-watt compact fluorescent light bulb—equivalent to a 100-watt incandescent light bulb—users can save up to $59 on energy costs over the life of the bulb. Saving energy saves money and is better for the environment.

See, there are tons of things you can do to help out, and it's not really that hard! It's time to stand up and do something, if everyone helped out just a little, the results would be HUGE.
Live Green... today!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Our second edition of the Earth Day posts is about Care2. Care2 is a network for people who want to make a difference in the world.
They sign petitions, take action and help out doing a lot of things just by CLICKING. That's right. A part of their website is a Click to Donate section. There are 10 things you can help out, just by clicking once a day. One is to help slow global warming, another is to save endangered places like rain forests. Other websites sponsor these so they are the ones that fund for your clicks. Each click on something helps out, and you can keep track of your progress if you sign up. This is probably the easiest thing to do to help out, because it's free and quick. And it feels good. Thousands of people contribute every day.

Interested in donating MORE? Just by clicking? I have found some other sites to visit as well:

The Hunger Site (Use the top panel to access the other 5 click to donate sections) - A huge lists of click to donate websites. - Save land

And if you are interested in making a bigger impact by donating actual money a couple of those websites allow that and it would be much appreciated!

Make a difference.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Our Planet- Do you give a dime?

That's the slogan for

In celebration of Earth Day, I would like to point out a special website. Each day until actual Earth Day, I will feature a website or tip urging people to get involved, and live a green life.

It's called GreenDimes. For 10 cents a day, GreenDimes reduces the amount of junk mail that you get. The money is for a good cause too. Well, technically their service is. Each month, they plant a new tree for every member they have. Also, by reducing your junk mail, you are reducing the amount of junk mail that needs to be produced, which reduces the number of trees needed for waste.

"Unbelievably, we chop down 100,000,000 trees and waste 28 billion gallons of water EVERY YEAR producing this stuff. Most of this goes straight to the trash or recycling bin.
For a dime-a-day, GreenDimes will reduce the marketing at your home, help you maintain your privacy and plant a bunch of trees on your behalf."

As said on their More Info page. I saw this on the Oprah Show today and decided to check it out. Do something useful, and get something back in return! Visit for more information.

It's time to live green,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Buh-Bya Sanjaya

Yes, it's true. The infamous American Idol finalist Sanjaya was sent home tonight! Finally, is all I have to say. This idiot was on Idol for far too long, thanks to many immature people. American Idol is a singing contest, and that's all there is to it. In the end, that is all that really matters.
As for Lakisha, who is one of my favorites, representing Maryland, one bad night and she is in the bottom three. I thought Chris Richardson would have been down there.
As soon as I heard Ryan Seacrest announce that Sanjaya would be going home, I was so relieved! Thank goodness! I am happy now. As for who is going to win: It will be a girl. Either Melinda or Jordin. Girl power!

Monday, April 16, 2007


This is something I would say that proves we are living in the future. I-Doser is a program that plays sounds, which are binaural waves, to sync your brain into a certain state. They have recreated stimulations of different drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, crystal meth, and anesthesia. I cannot explain how they do this, but it works for most people.
For example, crystal meth causes you to feel alert, wide awake, and it causes you to hear things. I tried this and I couldn't stop freaking out to small things, like the wind moving some ribbons on a bag, I would jump and yell. I kept hearing something mumble and no one was around me, and it kept telling me to come here. It was freaky! But it works! The trial comes with 2 free doses, which are the less popular ones, and then you have to buy them. I think it's worth it. The unlimited version is expensive, but it comes with 30 types of "drugs". You will probably see a couple more posts referring to this, as I have only tried out a few!

Friday, April 13, 2007


I am really excited, because I was finally able to switch to the NEW blogger today. I wasn't on the new blogger because I hadn't use this blog in ages, and I guess while they were doing major movements I missed it. I have been waiting for about a week now to be able to switch, so I am happy that I could now. Gotta check the new features out now! I think I will like it better than the old blogger.


Thursday, April 12, 2007


So in August I bought this really nice, sexy, small, black camera. It's amazing. I'm in love with it. It can take videos too, and everyone comes out extremely nice camera. It was worth every penny of that 300 bucks. I think Kodak is the way to go!
But, the only thing is for such a nice company, their software sucks. Kodak's Easyshare is a big failure. Maybe it's just me, but it freezes all the time. It is near impossible to upload pictures. It is such a pain compared to their product. And the interface of Easyshare is annoying. Hopefully it is not just me, because I do have a nice computer and everything else works fine.

This is what my baby looks like: Pic 1 ; Pic 2
It's hot right?


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Procrastination is my enemy. It is one of my hatred features that I possess. If only I could disown it. How many times have I stalled things like homework and projects because of this? Every time. It is my flaw. I just had to write a huge essay that was due actually on Tuesday, but couldn't be bothered to do it. I wait until last night, and manage to hold it off until in between commercials during American Idol.

I have some homework to do tonight but I think I'll wait until later. Besides, I am tired, I just got back from Tennis practice...


What's Up

Hello. My name is Casey and I am 15 years old. I live on the East Coast and... I play tennis.
I don't really have much to say about myself, oh except for the fact that I am not as full of myself as my blog name and slogan might make out me to be. ;) I was just bored and I couldn't think of anything more creative.

So what exactly is this blog about? Not so sure. I had an attempt earlier in 2006 to create a blog about my life but my life just seems too boring. I am going to try again. And no this just isn't about my life I will most likely be blabbing about other things, like the Internet, which I am mildly obsessed with.

Hopefully you will find this more interesting than it may appear from this poor introduction. If so, bookmark it, comment my posts, or whatever. Just let me know someone is listening.
